How to use EmbryoNet
Compiling EmbryoNet tools
How to build the EmbryoClassifier
- Use this Github project.
- Install CMake.
- Install Cuda 11.4.
- Install Visial Studio 2019.
- Download the dependencies and clone the EmbryoNet repository (e.g. git clone https://github.com/mueller-lab/EmbryoNet.git).
- Open the command line (cmd) in the folder "dependencies/scripts/" and run "prepare_env.bat".
- In the cmd of (4) write "cmake-gui".
- Set "where is the source code" to "path_to_GUI" e.g. "C:\EmbryoNet\GUI". This is the local path to the cloned repository.
- Set "Where to build binaries" to "path_to_build" e.g. "C:\EmbryoNet\GUI\build".
- Click "Configure" (specify the generator of the project as "Visual Studio 16 2019").
- Click "Generate".
- Open the project in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019. The project should be located at "path_to_build", e.g. "C:\EmbryoNet\GUI\build\Embryo_classifier.sln".
- Change the configuration mode to "Release".
- Select all targets in the solution explorer, right-click on them and choose "Build selection". If you want to use GPU for the EmbryoClassifier, modify the line 20 in "your_path\EmbryoNet\GUI\CVStudio_sources\FishClassifier_lib\include\EmbryoClassifier.h" to "#define WITH_ONNXRUNTIME 1", and Rebuild "FishClassifier_gui" and "FishClassifier_lib".
- The executables EmbryoLabeler and EmbryoClassifier (CPU and GPU) will be genrated at the following paths: "$path_to_build\CVStudio_sources\FishLabeler\Release\FishLabeler.exe", "$path_to_build\CVStudio_sources\FishClassifier_gui\CPU\Release\FishClassifier_gui_CPU.exe" and "$path_to_build\CVStudio_sources\FishClassifier_gui\GPU\Release\FishClassifier_gui_CPU.exe", respectively.
Starting from (5) you can alternatively continue in the command line with the activated environment.
- cd 'GUI path'
- mkdir build && cd build
- cmake .. -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64
- Open the project in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019. The project should be located at "path_to_build" e.g. "C:\EmbryoNet\GUI\build\Embryo_classifier.sln".
- Change the configuration mode to "Release".
- Select all targets in the solution explorer, right-click on them and choose "Build selection". If you want to use GPU for the EmbryoClassifier, modify the line 20 in "your_path\EmbryoNet\GUI\CVStudio_sources\FishClassifier_lib\include\EmbryoClassifier.h" to "#define WITH_ONNXRUNTIME 1", and Rebuild "FishClassifier_gui" and "FishClassifier_lib".
- The executables EmbryoLabeler and EmbryoClassifier (CPU and GPU) will be generated at the following paths: "$path_to_build\CVStudio_sources\FishLabeler\Release\FishLabeler.exe", "$path_to_build\CVStudio_sources\FishClassifier_gui\CPU\Release\FishClassifier_gui_CPU.exe" and "$path_to_build\CVStudio_sources\FishClassifier_gui\GPU\Release\FishClassifier_gui_CPU.exe", respectively.